Abstract: in the current situation the enterprise cannot ignore such an important phenomenon as conflict, especially in its institutional manifestation. After all, conflicts within the organization play an important role in the formation of a professional team and the establishment of relations between employees both on the vertical and horizontal axis of the organizational hierarchy. The relevance of this problem lies in the fact that modern domestic organizations are just entering this little-studied by our leaders thorny path of rational and effective conflict resolution.This article analyzes the types and sources of conflicts at four levels: within the individual, between several individuals, within groups and between groups in relation to various organizational phenomena. The points of view, definitions of the concept and approaches to the consideration of the concept of conflict by various scientists are considered, the “weight” of the influence of the conflict and its properties on the internal state and market prospects of the organization is estimated. Within the framework of the research the author analyzes the materials of both domestic specialists (Olga Shcherbakova, Andrei Verbitsky, Anatoly Antsupov) and foreign (Louis R. Pondi, M. Afzalur Rahim, Carsten De Dreu) scientists and conflictologists. His work allows him to conclude that most conflicts are possible and necessary to transfer from destructive to constructive, thereby reducing the harmful effects of a particular contradiction and increasing the benefits for both the participants and the organization as a whole. The article can be useful for managers, mediators, employees of various spheres and organizations.

Keywords: conflict, interpersonal conflict, sources of conflict, intra-organizational conflict, consequences of intra-organizational conflicts
