Abstract: the article states that the creative use of the cultural heritage of the past is closely connected with the socio-political, socio-economic, and most of all with the spiritual and moral tasks of education and upbringing of citizens of our country. Russian pedagogy and school creatively use all the best and advanced knowledge that humanity has developed in educating the younger generation in the spirit of high ideals. Therefore, the awareness of the experience of the past of each of the peoples of Russia has a real meaning not only for the knowledge of the present, but also for foreseeing the future. The authors suggest using folk riddles in the educational process as archetypal ethnic formations. Progressiveness of seemingly archaic symbols and ways of solving riddles can contribute to the personal and intellectual development of the child. The content of riddles is saturated with ideas of education and upbringing that are significant for human life and activity.

Keywords: folk pedagogy, folk methods of upbringing, upbringing methods, folklore genres, riddle, methods of upbringing, intellectual upbringing
