Abstract: currently, the phenomenon of culture is a significant difficulty for research due to the complexity of the processes occurring in modern society. This largely determines the existence of a large and ever-increasing number of interpretations of the concept. The issues associated with the interpretation of basic concepts “culture” and “civilization” was raised in the framework of the XVII World Congress of Philosophy in Montreal in 1983, which discussed the problem of the relationship of culture and science, which caused a lively debate about the philosophical essence of culture, its social content, meaning and function of culture in the dichotomy of “society – nature”. Culture was analyzed both as a social and biological phenomenon. Congress showed that the desire of European scientists and philosophers to give an exhaustive description of this phenomenon had always led to reflection on the issues of social development and the future of the human race as a whole. The concept of culture combines a system of values of material and spiritual nature, which serve as an indicator of a particular level of development of human society.
Keywords: culture, education, law, legal state, legal culture